Bethany’s annual women’s camping trip—cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID=19 quarantine—resumed in 2021 with six members and friends enjoying a relaxing weekend at Manzanita Lake July 9-11
Jim & Jessie Carter Honored by Food Closet
At Bethany’s June 27, 2021 worship service, the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership (SSIP) Food Closet honored Bethany members Jim and Jessie Carter. Loretta Fransham, Board Chair, presented the Carters with T-shirts and a plaque recognizing their decades of service to the Food Closet. A recent contribution by the Carters was Jessie’s organizing of a “virtual bowl-a-thon” to take the place of the event cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She single-handedly raised more than $7,000 through this effort. Congratulations and thanks to Jim and Jessie for their ongoing commitment to the SSIP Food Closet!
Retiring Music Director Dr. May Tuan Tucker Honored
“Blooming Creativity” on June 24
Twelve Bethany members and friends enjoyed a Morning of Blooming Creativity on June 24, 2021.
Services in Sanctuary Resume June 27
Bethany's CROP Hunger Walk Raises Nearly $1,500
Bethany fielded a team of nine at the 2021 CROP Hunger Walk, held June 5 at the American River Parkway
Wear Red on Sunday, May 23, To Celebrate Pentecost Sunday
Help Jessie Carter Strike Out Against Hunger!
Bethany member—and bowler extraordinaire—Jessie Carter is holding a “virtual bowl-a-thon” to raise funds for the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership Food Closet. Find out how you can help!