Christ's Resurrection Celebrated on Easter Sunday, April 9
Holy Week Helpers at the Food Closet
"Foolish Fun" Was Celebrated April 1
"Angels Were All Around" on March 26
On the fifth Sunday of Lent, Rev. Jesse preached about heavenly intervention. Angel figurines were brought by church members and friends to display during the service. The service focused on healing … and as people came forward to each receive a personal prayer and anointing with oil, they were in sight of dozens of beautiful angels. Angels ranged in size from one inch (made from a Hershey’s Kiss) to four feet tall (sculpted from metal). Angels were made of clay, fabric, glass, aluminum, paper, wood and nature materials. Many thanks to those who shared their treasures with the congregation on March 26!
Also enhancing the worship service were wooden crosses decorated March 19 at the Lenten craft activity.