Got Graduates? Recognition Sunday is July 7
Please get names of your grads to the church office or to the Bethany prayer chain by Friday, July 5 so we may include them in our special blessing on Sunday, July 7.
Bethany Will Serve as Community Cooling Center July 1-5
Focus Groups Help Anwer Questions, Collect Ideas
Sunday Morning Helpers Needed! Can You Lend a Hand?
Your worship team has been busy lining up speakers for Sunday services. There are other roles to be filled. Can you lend a hand? We are in need of:
a couple of people to work together or take turns tidying the pews before Sunday services (replacing hymnals and bibles in the pew racks as needed), sharpening colored pencils for children to use, putting out offering plates and the Food Closet collection basket, lighting the candles, etc.)
one or more persons to "understudy" at the sound booth, helping test microphones, turning on the overhead screens, etc.
2-3 people willing to read aloud the Call to Worship or Prayer of Confession during worship services
If you can help, please let Jackie Sneed, Barbara Greene or Cathy Sapunor know.
ALSO: If you are interested in helping with the "hospitality" side of things on Sundays, let Kathy Frank know. We can use a few people to help make coffee, set out cups and refreshments and tidy up afterward. Your gift of homemade or purchased refreshments (baked goods, fruit, etc.) are always welcome on Sunday mornings!
Attend June 9 & 23 "Chatback" Sessions To Get Straight Info & Share Ideas
June 9 and June 23—following the morning worship service—join us for informal gatherings: "The Future in Focus" led by the AC (Presbytery Administrative Commission) working alongside our Session during our time of transition.
These will be opportunities to share hearts and minds about future plans for Bethany. Until then, be thinking how you might answer these questions:
• What brings you joy in the Bethany ministry?
• What are some memorable events in Bethany history?
• What do you hope for in the future?
• What causes you to worry about the future?
• What is your vision for ministry at Bethany?
• What is the meaning of ministry at Bethany?